The benefits of Classic Olive
The olive benefits known since thousands years ago because they contain oleic acid (and polyphenol antioxidants that good for skin and hair . Woman's complaint, like a wrinkled, scaly skin until the hair branching should try olive oil. Here are some of the olives benefits for hair care to skin softness.
Use fresh olive fruit in the form of oil to keep your hair shining. Apply to all sections of hair from base to the tip. The olive oil also can be blended with other ingredients such as avocado or walnut so that your hair will look more black and thick.
Removing the line delay of premature aging and wrinkling on the face by spread it to all parts of the face to overcome the lines and dry skin. While given a massage, let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
After someone past the age of 18, skin elasticity will decrease rapidly because of the damage caused by free radicals such as pollution,collagen reduced and elastic fibers. As a result, fine wrinkles emerge. Therefore, apply the olive while showering or before performing activities, to all parts of the body. Olives can give a sense of humid and content of oleic acid which can be skin rubbery.